बुधवार, 4 जनवरी 2023

A Doll's House






1. Who were the Burnell children?

 Ans:-Isabel, Lottie and Kezia were the Burnell children.


2. Who were the Kelveys?

  Kelveys were Lil and Else.


3. Who gifted the doll’s house? Who received the doll’s house?

Mrs. Hay gifted the doll’s house to Burnell children.

           Burnell children received the doll’s house.


4. Who carried the doll’s house in the courtyard and how was it put?

Pat and the carter carried the doll’s house in the courtyard and it was put on two wooden boxes.


5. What were the difference between the doll’s house and the real house?

In a real house there remained a door for each room in the house. But in the doll’s house there was only one front door through which the inside of every room could be noticed.


6. Who was pat?

Pat was the driver of Burnell family.


7. Where was the doll’s house placed and why?

The doll’s house was placed in the courtyard of Burnell’s house because it was too large to carry into house and they thought that the smell of paint would have gone off.


8. How were the colours of the house?

House was painted in oily spinach green, picked out with bright yellow. Its two chimneys were painted in red and white colour. The door had yellow varnish on it and the tiny porch was coloured in yellow.


9. Who opened the doll’s house and how?

Pat opened the doll’s house with a penknife.


10. How many rooms were there in the doll’s house?

There were five rooms in the house—one drawing room, one kitchen, one dining room and two bedrooms.


11. What were into the little hall of doll’s house?

There were a hat-stand and two umbrellas into the little hall of doll’s house.


12. Who was Kezia? What did he like most in that doll’s house?

 Kezia was the youngest among Burnell children. She liked most a lamp in that doll’s house.


13. How was the lamp in the doll’s house?

The lamp looked real and inside it looked like oil that moved when lamp was shaken.


14. Who were the inhabitants of the doll’s house?

 How many dolls were in the doll’s house?

A father doll, a mother doll and their two little children were the inhabitants of the doll’s house.


15. Why would Isabel tell other schoolmates about the doll’s house?


“I am to tell”—Who will tell and what will she tell?


 What did Isabel say before to her sisters going to school?

 Isabel selected herself to tell their schoolmates about the doll’s house because she was eldest and she thought herself always right.


16. How did they decide to invite their mates to show the doll’s house?

 To show the doll’s house, Burnell children decided to invite two friends at a time and they would not be offered tea at all.


17. When did they decide to tell others at school about the doll’s house? Where did they gather during playtime?

 They decided to tell others about the doll’s house during tiffin/ playtime.

         During playtime they gathered under a huge Pine tree at the side of the playground.


18. Who were not allowed everywhere? / Who remained always out of the friend circle? / “….Stayed outside the ring the two……”—About whom was it said?

Two Kelveys children- Lil and Else were not allowed everywhere.


19. Why did everyone ignore the Kelveys?

Kelveys’ mother was a poor washer-woman and their father was supposed to be in jail. So everyone ignored them, even did not speak to them.


20. Which families’ children went to school?

Children from the family of milkman, judge, doctor, shopkeeper went to school?


21. How was the dress of Lil?

Lil’s dress was made of green art-serge table cloth of Burnells with red plush sleeves from the Logan’s curtain. She got her hat from postmistress Miss Lecky.


22. How was the dress of Else?

 Little Else’s dress was a white one, looked like a nightgown and she wore a pair of boy’s boot.


23. How did Else express her demand to her elder sister Lil?

Whenever Else wanted anything, little Else gave a tug, a twitch and Lil understood everything.

 BUY BOOK-  NEERAJ PUBLICATIONS BCOC-135 Company Law | IGNOU B.Com Book General - 3rd Semester | English Medium

24. “You have forgetting the lamp”—Who said this and to whom?

The youngest among the Burnells children, Kezia said this to Isabel.


25. What did the rich children eat during tiffin hour in school?

The rich kids ate thick mutton sandwiches and big slabs of johnny cake with butter.


26. What did the poor Kelveys eat in school?

The Kelveys ate jam sandwiches out of newspaper soaked with large red blobs.

 BUY BOOK-  NEERAJ PUBLICATIONS BCOC-135 Company Law | IGNOU B.Com Book General - 3rd Semester | English Medium

27. Why did the aunt Beryl scold Kezia?


”Wicked, disobedient little girl”—Who scolded Kezia and why?

Aung Beryl scolded Kezia because she invited Kelveys in their house to show the doll’s house.


28. What did Kelveys children do when Aunt Beryl scolded them?

When Aunt Beryl scolded the Kelveys children for entering Burnells’ house, they immediately somehow managed to flee away from the Burnells’ courtyard like chicken.


29. Where did the Lil and Else went fleeing away from Burnell’s house?

 Fleeing away from Burnell’s house, the two children Lil and Else sat down to rest on a big red drain pipe by the side of road.


30. Why were all girls of school friendly with Isabel?

 All girls of the schools were friendly with Isabel because she owned a beautiful doll’s house and only her friends would be allowed to see that.


31. Who invited the Kelveys to see the doll’s house?

Youngest among the Burnells children, Kezia invited the Kelveys to see the doll’s house.


32. “It seemed to smile to Kezia, to say, “I live here”—Explain.

Only Kezia took interest in a lamp that was inside the doll’s house and to her, as if the lamp was smiling and saying that it lived there.

 BUY BOOK-  NEERAJ PUBLICATIONS BCOC-135 Company Law | IGNOU B.Com Book General - 3rd Semester | English Medium

33. “I seen the little lamp”—Who is the speaker? Explain the line?

        Little Else Kelvey is the speaker.

                                  Unobtrusively, both the two Kelvey sister Lil and Kelvey saw the doll’s house with the consent of Kezia and this fact made Aunt Beryl angry. So the Kelveys fled away and then Else remarked that she had managed to see the beautiful lamp of doll’s house. It shows her difference from other girls and similarity to Kezia.


34. What did Aunt Beryl do when she noticed Kelveys were seeing the doll’s house?

 When she noticed Kelveys were seeing the doll’s house, she became very angry and scolded Kezia calling her wicked, disobedient girl for inviting them. She then drove away the Kelveys children from their house.

 BUY BOOK-  NEERAJ PUBLICATIONS BCOC-135 Company Law | IGNOU B.Com Book General - 3rd Semester | English Medium

Bought question


1)Describe the doll's house of the children.

In the short story Doll's House by Katherine Mansfield, a beautiul doll's house was gifted to the children of Burnell by Mrs Hay. It was very big and it was left in the yard so that the smell of its painting might evaporate into the air. It was very special to the children because it was an actual miniature form of a real house. It had two solid little chimneys on the roof painted in in red and white colour. The door was gleaming and with yellow varnish that looked like a little slab of a toffee. It had four Windows divided into panes. That house had a a tiny porch painted in yellow colour. In the room of the house there were a hatstand and two umbrellas. The children were amazed to see such a beautiful doll's house. All the rooms were papered. Pictures with gold frames were hanging on the walls. In the house all the floors were covered with red carpet except the kitchen. There were red plush  chair in the drawing room and green in the dining room. Also in that house there were tables, beds with real bedclothes, a cradle, a stove, a dresser with tiny plates and one big jug. Among all Kezia liked very much a lamp that stood in the middle of a dining room table. It was a little Amber lamp with a white globe. It looked so real that as if one could light it. In the doll's house there were father doll and mother doll who sprawled very stiff. They had two little children asleep upstairs the dolls house. All this made the dolls house more perfect and attractive.


2)Significance of the doll's house.

The whole story of the Short story Doll's House by Katherine Mansfield, deals with a doll's house gifted to Burnell children. This house symbolises so many significant facts. First of all, it is the symbol of upper class people who are rich like Burnell. All the descriptions of the dolls house described in the story  is related to the the rich people. The house with chimney, red carpet floor, walls with framed picture, red plush chair  in drawing room, in dining room, tables ,beds with  clothes, cradle, decorated kitchen all these indicate the royalness.



                        Also we come to know that the doll's house is so big that it cannot be put inside the house so it is kept on the yard. It suggests that poor people like Kelveys cannot afford such type of doll's house. So this house symbolically indicates the conflict between rich people and poor people. The external facts of the house like its beauty, appearance, paints looks all represent the the richness, social position, wealth and fame of Burnell. Small lamp on the the dining table in that doll's house has also significant symbolic meaning. That simple lamp in this Royal dolls house symbolises the soul , quality of human being. It also represents the hope, joy for the poor people and children like Kelveys. So  through the presentation of a a doll's house,  writer Katherine Mansfield has able to present the the social conflict between rich and poor.

 BUY BOOK-  NEERAJ PUBLICATIONS BCOC-135 Company Law | IGNOU B.Com Book General - 3rd Semester | English Medium

3)How is class conflict reflected in the story Doll's House?


Cite Central theme of the story Doll's House.

 During Mansfield's time, New Zealand was a British colony. Then the society was divided in classes- upper class and lower class. This system was so strict and prejudiced that the lower classes people were ignored, hated by the others. The people of upper class did not speak to them; even they did not look at them while passing in front of them. This class and  hierarchy system controlled the society and so the behaviour and manner of upper classes towards lower classes became very downgrade. Here the writer showed how two school girls of lower class got ignored, avoided, hated by the other students and teachers.



                At the very beginning of the story we see that Burnell children got a doll's house as a gift.This house symbolises so many significant facts. First of all, it is the symbol of upper class people who are rich like Burnell. All the descriptions of the dolls house described in the story  is related to the the rich people. The house with chimney, red carpet floor, walls with framed picture, red plush chair  in drawing room, in dining room, tables, beds with  clothes, cradle, decorated kitchen all these indicate the royalness.

 BUY BOOK-  NEERAJ PUBLICATIONS BCOC-135 Company Law | IGNOU B.Com Book General - 3rd Semester | English Medium

4)Significance of the lamp in the the doll's house.

 Writer Katherine mansfield has symbolically presented so many elements in the story Doll's House and the lamp is one one of the important symbolic element. Getting doll's house as a gift from Mrs Hay, Burnell children were very much amazed especially for the realistic elements of the house. But Kezia, the youngest of the Burnell children took interest only in a simple lamp situated in the middle of a dining table. When the eldest Burnell children Isabel was proudly describing the doll's house and its every object to her schoolmates, only Kezia insisted on describing the lamp. According to her, it was a perfect lamp and looked real.


                      Symbolically this lamp represents the working class of our society who sacrifices their labour to light up the upper class people. Here the lamp is against the capitalism. Though the labour class sell their labour only to make capitalist wealthy and radiant, their labour goes in vain. Nobody looks at the labour class or gives dignity to them. Only the capitalist gets respect just like in a house a lamp lights up the house and makes everything of the house visible and beautiful and that lamp's effort remains unsung while everyone praises the quality of other items. Here the irony lies. 

 BUY BOOK-  NEERAJ PUBLICATIONS BCOC-135 Company Law | IGNOU B.Com Book General - 3rd Semester | English Medium

5)How were Kelveys children separated from other children in school? (Eating and dressing)


Why did all avoided ignored Kelveys?

 In the short story The Doll's House  the writer Katherine Mansfield has shown the two classes' children and those two classes were totally different and separated from each other. Burnell, Cole, Logan represented upper Rich class whereas Kelveys represented poor lower class. Nobody of the school even the teachers did not talk to them, accompanied them. Elders did not allow their children to speak to them. While passing in front of them they looked up high in the air. everyone including teacher looked down upon, ignored the Kelveys. They did so because they were very poor, their mother was a washerwoman and their father was probably in jail.



                 In case of eating and dressing they were also separated from other schoolmates. Kelveys wore those ill-fitting dresses that were given to them by the people for whom their mother worked. For instance, Lil wore a dress made from a green art-serge table cloth of Burnell with red plus sleeves from the Logan's curtains. Also Lil got her hat from postmistress Miss Lecky. All these made others laugh at her. On the other hand, little Else wore a long white dress that looked like a night gown and a pair of boy's boots. She looked very strange.



               Even their eating was not at the same level of other children. while others had their lunch of thick mutton sandwiches and slabs of johnny cake spread with butter, Kelveys ate simple jam  sandwiches out of the newspaper. They ate sitting on a place always keeping well distance from other children. Thus Kelveys were separated from other children.



Kezia, the youngest daughter of the three Burnell children, is the unsung protagonist of the story Doll's House by Katherine Mansfield. The writer has profoundly characterized Kezia in this story. She is full of innocence under the symbolic reality of experience. She represents herself as an independent girl who always opposes the convention of thinking, social rule. Through the portrayal of such a character, writer symbolically tries to present the blind justification of social conformity /conflict. As the story starts, we are told that while two of her elder sisters admire the beauty realistic elements like bed, its sheet, red carpet etc of a gifted doll's house, Kezia's attention goes to a rather simple lamp. It reveals her innocence, impeccability. She tries to find out the faults of the house and perfection with its lamp. Only she loves the lamp while other two sisters give no importance to it. 

                    She always goes against social convention. she displays it again when she decides to become friend with Kelvey children who are looked down upon, ignored, underestimated by all because Kelveys belong to a Poor and lower class washerwoman mother and convict father. Kezia challenges others' way of behaviour and asks her mother "Can't I ask the Kelveys was just once?". She is against the social conflict. And ultimately Kezia gets the chance and invites the Kelvey girls inside their house to show their doll's house. She disregards the tradition of society, fear of getting rebuked by elders, thoughts imposed on her by society. Thus Kezia establishes herself as a girl of independent mind, rational thoughts, and purity of heart.


7)How did the Kelveys get chance to see Burnell's doll's house? What happened after that?

Every child of the school got the chance to see the Burnell's doll's house except the two Kelveys children because they are neglected, looked down upon everywhere by all. But Kezia was not like others. she was against the custom. She always intended to show the doll's house to the Kelveys. One day when Kezia was hanging about the gate of their house, she noticed Kelveys were passing in front of their house. Kezia decided to invite them to show the doll's house and did so. It made puzzled the Kelvey sisters. But Lil, the elder of Kelveys immediately declined the offer after several requests from kezia. Suddenly Lil felt twitch, a tug in the skirt. It was Else, the younger of the Kelveys who showed the keenness to see the doll's house. When Else did the same for the second time, Lil agreed to it. They came to the courtyard near the doll's house and Kezia introduced it to them. They were enjoying the beauty of it.



8)How did the Burnell children react when they got the dollhouse from Mrs Hay?

Once Mrs Hay gifted a beautiful doll's house to the children of Barnell. To see the dolls house they became too amazed to express their feelings. Even the bad smell of its paints did not disturb their noses. They liked everything of it. All of them were overwhelmed with limitless joy. They were  so excited that they at once wanted to open it. When they peered through the slit of a door into the little hall with a hatstand and two umbrellas' they felt another excitement. Burnell children expressed wonder in different exclamation. They had not seen such a realistic doll's house in their life. They could not suppress their excitement to tell its description to their schoolmates. Isabel, the eldest of Burnell children decided to inform other students first.



9)What did Burnell children plan before going to school? What happened during playtime?

Once Mrs Hay presented Burnell children a very pretty doll's house. children became overwhelmed to see its beauty, realistic designs and materials in it. They were so excited that they wanted to share their feelings and wanted to show the doll's house to their schoolmates. They were eager to describe the doll's house. Being eldest, Isabel decided to tell the matter to their friends during play time. Rest two children Lottie and Kezia made no protest as they knew very well the power of being eldest. They planned to ask the girls, two at a time, to  come only to look that house. They would not offer the girls to have tea or roam about the house. At that time Isabel would point out the beauties,  characteristics of the house to them.

             Before roll was called, Isabel making a mysterious and important attitude, whispered behind  her hand to the girls that Isabel would tell them something special during playtime. When play time came, all girls surrounded Isabel. All began to fight to put their arms around her, walk with her, get favour of her and to be her special friend. They all gathered beneath huge pine tree beside the playground. They all were nudging and giggling. All were there except two girls- the Kelveys children who were ignored and not allowed to talk or play with other children because they belonged to a poor family. Ultimately Isabel proudly began to describe the beauty of the doll's house. The beds, table, bedsheets, carpet everything cast a thrill among them. Kezia showed interest to describe the lamp that was in the middle of the dining table. Later, Isabel described the lamp and its structure to all. At last Isabel selected two girls to visit their house to see the doll's house.



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